PRSA's annual Pro-Am Day is one event that helps college students figure out just what it is that we do every day. Be sure to sign up to be a mentor. It doesn't take much time or money on your part...only the urge to help out someone else early on in their career. This is your chance to help teach Generation Y that a job in PR isn't all about chatting on the phone or Tweeting about your day-to-day activities. Who knows, you might learn a thing or two from this experience as well!
Go to the PRSA Dallas Web site or see below for additional details on becoming a mentor on April 9th! The C. Pharr team has already signed on!
April 9: Annual Pro-Am Day – Call for Mentors
PRSA Dallas is calling all mentors and students to save the date for the annual Pro-Am Day on Friday, April 9. Pro-Am Day 2010 connects university students with seasoned PR practitioners through “shadowing” opportunities and a special luncheon program.
Professionals will host students in the morning, providing them with direct experience and insight into the public relations world. Then, participants will come together for the monthly PRSA Dallas luncheon featuring Stacy Cinatl, senior vice president of strategy and operations for the George W. Bush Institute.
Sign up to host a student!
We’re currently looking for volunteers. If you’re interested in hosting a student this year, please contact Christi Chesner at
For more information about Pro-Am Day and the 2010 program, visit