You’ve heard it before…those infamous and seemingly harmless five words: “Yes, that’s a great idea!” When looking for the perfect PR team to boost your company profile and increase brand awareness, it is important to take a step back and evaluate your future (or current) PR partnership.
While every PR agency should serve as a partner, providing
client solutions to help move the needle in your business, it is also our role as PR practitioners to let clients know when an idea won’t work and why. Clients always like to hear the magic phrase, “That’s newsworthy and will generate media interest,” and of course it’s even better when your PR agency achieves that coveted hit in the
Wall Street Journal or an appearance on
Fox Business News.
However, not every bit of news or idea will produce a media frenzy. Just like you turn to friends and family to solicit their honest opinion, you should use that same frame of mind when working with a PR agency. We are here to serve not only as a resource and tool to get your news out, but we are also here to provide counsel when something is not newsworthy.
The PR agency you hire should be a strategic business partner ready to provide creative solutions, packaging your news and turning it into something remarkable. However, take care to avoid those agencies that take the approach of Jim Carrey in the movie, “Yes Man.” While a can-do attitude is what it takes to get the job done, it also requires a PR team that is willing to speak up when an idea won’t work and instead focusing their attention on how to build upon that idea, turning it into noteworthy news.
So, whether you’re taking the first step and dipping your toe in the PR waters, or if you have already embarked upon that PR journey, ask yourself what kind of PR agency you are working with. If you are left wondering what your PR agency should like, read this post from
PR Daily outlining five types of PR agencies to avoid. That should give you a good starting point!

The "Yes Man" Syndrome