· Titles: A formal title is only capitalized when it precedes an individual’s name. It is lower case if it follows the name. Ex: Vice President of Development John Smith; John Smith is the vice president of development.
· More vs. over: “More” should be used when referring to numbers, while “over” is generally used when referring to spatial elements. Ex: Our company has more than 500 employees; We went over the bridge.
· It vs. they: When the noun or subject is a firm or a company, “it” should not be replaced with the pronoun “they.” Ex: In the store’s first year, it had more than $1 million in sales. (*bonus – notice our use of “more” vs. “over.”)
· Farther vs. further: “Farther” refers to physical distance, while “further” refers to an extension of time or degree. Ex: I ran farther than you; The detectives will further investigate the case.
· Its vs. it’s: “It’s” is a contraction for “it is,” and should not be used as a possessive. Ex: The class will take its first field trip to the zoo; It’s going to be a beautiful day.
· Seasons: Seasons are never capitalized. Ex: The acquisition is expected to be completed this summer.
· Months: Months are only abbreviated when used with a specific date. They are spelled out when used only with a year. Ex: The event took place on Sept. 15, 2012 vs. Construction managers expect the project to break ground in September 2012.
· Toward: Toward never ends in “s.” The same rule applies for forward, backward, upward, downward, etc. Ex: We will head toward the door in five minutes.
This post was contributed by Shelby Menczer