“How’s your
business?” It’s a question I get a lot because many people think the PR,
marketing and advertising world is an economic bellwether.
I hope they’re
right because our business is robust! Why? I think it’s because we primarily
work with small-to-middle market companies driven by entrepreneurial leaders
motivated to deliver service, goods and products people want – regardless of
what’s going on in Washington, D.C. or unstable global markets.
C. Pharr’s
clients are doing whatever it takes to succeed – launching new websites,
promoting their businesses, speaking at conferences, finding new customers
through social media and grooming their leadership for the future.
We recognize
we’re all blessed to be Texas-based with the best economic environment in
America. And, there are other positive factors to account for 2013’s more
evident optimism. No question the housing market has soared during Q-1 2013 and
stock market advances boost everyone’s retirement hopes along with their
Conversely, there
are almost as many dampers on the economy, if business leaders are looking for
discouragement. Considering the stalemate in Washington, prospects of higher
taxes, more government regulations, confusing and expensive healthcare mandates
alongside global uncertainty…anyone who’s faint of heart could despair.
But that’s not
what we’re seeing firsthand, thank goodness. What we see are business leaders
who’ve decided to take charge of their business’ destinies and customers.
They’re tired of waiting for “things to settle down” and have decided that,
come hell or high water, they’re moving ahead.
Our clients are
constructing and renovating offices and apartments and readying land for
development. They’re delivering healthcare, business and real estate consulting
while financing business expansions all over America. They’re evolving new
products, entering new markets and educating tomorrow’s leaders!
While expanding
their businesses, C. Pharr’s clients are also contributing to their communities
and ensuring their employees understand the obligation to pay forward the
blessings of economic well-being.
In essence,
they’re building the American Dream by doing their part to make sure free
enterprise and entrepreneurship trump hand wringing and doomsayers. And we’re
happy to be part of it!
This post was contributed by Cynthia Pharr Lee. Cynthia LinkedIn Connection