Now that college graduations are over, a whole new set of job seekers are entering the workforce. And while the economy is in better shape than it was just a few years ago, The Bureau of Labor Statistics says unemployment rates are still struggling to improve, which means more people will continue fighting for the same limited number of jobs.
This leaves many people asking, “What can I do to stand out to potential future employers?” Although it seems to be one of the most obvious answers, sending a traditional thank you note is often an overlooked practice. A post-interview thank you note - sent individually to each person you met with - does not need to be anything fancy, but should be handwritten on stationery and mailed the very next day. The sentiment will be lost if too much time passes.
Not only is it proper and polite to thank someone for their time and consideration, but a thank you note allows you to restate your interest in the position. It also serves as an opportunity to mention anything you may have forgotten to say in your interview. Personalization is another important thing to remember. To do this, try referencing something specifically discussed in the interview, and/or how the individual treated you.
Thank you notes also say a lot more than just what is written. They tell prospective employers that you are thoughtful, considerate, organized and good with people. When employers are faced with a sea of equally qualified candidates, these basic people skills become increasingly significant.
Sending a proper thank you note is crucial to being remembered and makes for a successful job search. And because a lot of people forget or just don’t know better, you’ll find it will help you stand out in the competitive world of job hunting.
This post was contributed by Shelby Sabin.

Tradition Has Its Place in the Working World