C. Pharr's Kathrine Brody flanked by two PRSA Dallas members |
- Be a business person first and then a communicator. Learn the language of your company, and you will have more credibility with the C-Suite and will be more adept at handling a crisis.
- Identify BOTH the internal and external communication teams before a crisis occurs.
- Your customers are your "North Star." Ensure you communicate with them clearly and effectively, which will help guide strategy.
- Think through what statements and information you plan on pushing out via social media. Twitter is preferential vs. Facebook.
- Take time to keep your internal audience informed - your employees are your most credible spokesperson.
- Be careful about claiming an issue is "fully resolved."
PRSA Dallas has numerous professional development programs throughout the year for its members. This breakfast was another successful, well-attended event and the C. Pharr team learned alot!
PRSA Dallas member, Blake Lewis, APR; PRSA Dallas President, Leah Ekmark Williams, APR; PRSA Dallas Speaker & Edelman EVP, David Chamberlin |
This post was contributed by C. Pharr's Leah Ekmark Williams, APR. @leahcpc

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