Jim O’Gara, president of Dallas-based integrated ad agency OnMessage, recently interviewed with “That Marketing Show” to discuss the importance of clear and concise messaging and telling your brand “story.”
A few of Jim’s take-home points are below. Click here to listen to the full podcast, with additional tips!
• What’s your story? Do your employees, especially those dealing directly with customers, know how to tell your company’s story? Is it aligned with your current business strategy, service/product offerings?
• Turn your typical marketing model on its head: Leading the attack with full-blown campaign tactics and execution before nailing down clear, laser-focused key messages for your company will earn you a one-way ticket to jumbled messaging, which can result in a significant amount of wasted sales and marketing dollars.
• Hearing Voices: Every company needs to get close to the voice of its customer, routinely – not just during that initial, one-time focus group or interview. Your product/service needs to adapt as your customers and technology do….and when it does, your company “story”/message must be adjusted to reflect those changes, also.
• Fancy Schmancy: Go beyond the elaborate logo and catchy tagline—these won’t matter at the end of the day if your message doesn’t resonate with your target audience.